Friday, July 30, 2010


tempus fugit - time is a slut...she does everybody

It's been one of those creative weeks. I've written a poem and painted 3 times! Sometimes I don't know where it comes from. I don't feel like this all the time, but there are days that I'll absolutely burst if i don't write or draw my feelings out on a page.

Yesterday was the most beautiful storm. I could feel each burst of lightning race through me. It was intense, and my emotions were running high. Sometimes I just can't help but go outside and stand under the rain. It makes me feel new and fresh.

One thing that has been running through my head as of late are the words Tempus Fugit ( i can feel a tattoo idea coming on). Time flies...because it does. It doesn't feel like 7 months ago that I was broken....But at the same time I feel so alive and different now that I couldn't even explain how it happened or when for that matter. Every part of me races at the idea of it, like lightning. I can't wait to see what happens....not knowing is all part of the journey....

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