Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Feelings and Quitting

Good Morning Blog World! (I've always wondered if anyone actually reads this blog...besides my friends and family that is.)

So today is the last day of school for my Spring 2010 semester. In about 20 minutes I have the final of my life! College Algebra. I've been studying for about 5 hours....well yesterday I did. And I studied another half hour this morning for review....and I'm feeling pretty positive about it.

On other feelings....I've been very happy lately. Something about Madtown has grown on me and I'm actually excited to live here over the summer. I'm going to swim a lot...and work a lot! Wooohooo! I hope that in time other feelings with find themselves healed. If you know anything about a broken heart, it takes an awful lot of time to heal. It's quite annoying actually....

In other news I have decided to quit smoking officially. As of today I will smoke my last cigarette ever. My goal is to be able to do it cold turkey (with the help of some friends). There are a few other people in my life that are also quitting so we're kind of doing it together sorta. I made it three months once, so I know I can do it. I'm sure there are many of you who didn't even know that I was smoking, but well for the past two years I've had this little vice. It isn't something that I feel bad about, or ashamed of (not anymore) but I do want to be healthy and live to see my grand kids and maybe even great grandkids like my grandparents. My grandmother also passed away from lung cancer after smoking for 60 years. I refuse to let that be me. So wish me luck!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Any update on your goal on quitting smoking? I do hope that you find it easier after each day to resist. From watching my dad occasionally struggling to quit, I know it takes a lot of mental strength. And even though I don't smoke, I can empathize how hard it is to break a nasty habit. Keep it up, and feel good about taking the initiative and respect for yourself to quit smoking.