Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I was fired last week from the first job I've had since I graduated high school that I actually enjoyed. I'm still in shock. I've been hunting down jobs but every time i get around to calling them or going in for an application i get turned down. Mostly I'm worried its because of my eyebrow ring and tattoos and black fingernails...and general hostile look (cue My chemical Romance 'Teenagers').

I'm clueless as to how to fix that. I'm not about to change myself just because no one will hire me. Or is that a bad attitude...

I guess what I really want is a fun job where the people i work with aren't complete arses. That is the one thing that bothers me about every job i've had in the last few years. My employers have been complete jerks. One was an overgrown prick, another was a manipulative crazy person, another was a drunk, another walked allll over me, and this last one could never make up her mind as to what she wanted.

I guess I can be grateful that she did me a favor. I wasn't getting paid enough and my hours sucked. I was asking for more but apparently i wasn't available enough. I'm not sure how that works.

My goal is to be employed before Christmas Break....wish me luck!

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