Monday, September 13, 2010

Nature of the Beast

Ok, this post is a tid bit I posted in a discussion forum for my Media Studies class this semester. I thought this part of a lecture by Plato was very thought provoking....

It reads--->

"in all of us, even in good men, there is a lawless wild-beast nature, which peers out in sleep."

This reminds me of what a lot of Christians believe; the nature of all men being evil. That we start out from birth as sinners and are then cleansed only by Christ's blood if we choose it. Before there was us and there was just Adam and Eve, we were pure; because God made us to be that way. But after Eve had to be all gullible and things, we are born into sin, in a sinful world.

It also reminds me of xbox game Fable 2 (I have been playing it lately so its on my mind). The main character can choose whether or not he/she wants to be good or evil. But it is significantly more difficult in the game to be good. Your quests are harder, it takes more work to make the villagers like you, etc. But if you want to be evil all you have to do is turn the safety off and kill a couple of villagers or refuse to give someone something they ask you to find for them. There is even a quote from the loading screen that asks if you can really fore go the sinful pleasures Albion (the name of the game world) has to offer.


Is evil a choice or purely the nature of humanity?

And if our nature as humans is "a lawless wild-beast" then is it easier to be as we are born to be (evil) or on the other hand more difficult to fight our nature and be good?

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