Sunday, April 18, 2010


What a roller coaster week! So many things have happened that my head is spinning! Some of it awesome...some of it bitter-sweet, but all in all it has been a wonderful ride.

You already know that I have made a change of major, which has been a delightful change. I am really excited to get down this new path. But! there are still quite a few things that I need to do in order to get prepared. I applied for financial aid for next year but I also have to apply for it for the summer and I plan to try for a work study position. I need to make some moolah...and it would be nice to be able to save around 1500 this summer just to have something to fall back on (in case my car craps out on me or something).

My bike was stolen at some point this week or last. I'm not sure when because I don't ride it all to often but it was parked in the bike rack and now its gone. Not sure why anyone would want to steal it considering its a piece-o-junk from nearly 12 years ago. My parents wanted me to call the police but I decided to turn the other cheek and let the kid have it. I don't use it near enough to warrant calling the police and having someone arrested.

My food stamp application was accepted and I went on a shopping spree today! My friend Ashley and I went and picked up almost 80 dollars in food (since I've been living off Ramen, peanuts and popcorn for almost a month). After shopping her bf came over and we made Jalapeno burgers, lettuce salad and cherry crisp! After supper a couple more friends came over to shoot the bull and we ended up playing an epic game of Catch Phrase that lasted for nearly 2 hours! No one won or lost but we had so much fun! It feels great to have people in my apartment after being alone for so long. This is the third or fourth time this week too. I think the nice weather is finally bringing my recluse friends out of the woodwork.

On the other hand I haven't been sleeping well at all. I've gotten around 9 hours in the last few days and its really starting to wear me out. The other night a lot of emotions came tumbling down and I ended up staying up til nearly 5 am when I finally took a Tylenol pm to put myself to sleep for lack of any other options. Reality has set in and I'm ok now I just wish that it could have happened in a smoother way. Parting ways is such sweet sorrow....

I really tired of spending so much time alone... I keep looking for that special someone, but I think I need to look inside for my peace instead of trying to find it in everything external. So right now, I'm content with being single, not trying to be brave, and getting my laugh on. No better way to chase away the Winter.

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