Sunday, May 23, 2010

Don't judge me

Wow. I feel like it's bee positively forever since I last posted! The last two weeks have been crazy! I started my second job (for the summer only) at the admissions office at the college i attend. Basically I sit around and file, answer phones and read my book for four hours 3 times a week. It isn't exactly the most fun I've ever had but the people are nice and the hours are easy. Subway is getting monotonous to say the least. I work really dragging hours and I feel like I give so much for such little reward. It's not a hard job just a wearing one. I feel like pile of crap when I'm done and then I just have to do it again later.

I was supposed to get a tattoo tomorrow. And let me tell you, I was looking forward to it something fierce. Unfortunately poor ole Eb (my car) decided to need to get fixed and I had to spend the money I'd saved for my tat. I think its ok now. I'm actually at a point where I think I might be inked enough! Gasp! Who woulda thunk?

Tonight was an emotional night for me. It was the last episode of Lost forever. I wont spill the beans because I know there are people who can't watch it until later. It was a satisfying ending but I wish I could watch the next episode. I wasn't ready to part with it after 6 years of dedication. I cried just a smidgen.

Also after I returned from watching Lost I discovered that my mom's cousin died from her breast cancer. I hate cancer so much. It's just torn my family up and I want a cure so badly. I wish I smart enough to find one.

I went to some graduations this weekend and it really made me feel old. I turn 24 in 47 days. Wow....that's weird to say. My baby nephews will be one in a few weeks...I just want to get started on my life so badly right now. Sigh....

chin up :)

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