Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Different Material

Do you ever feel like you might be cut out of a little different fabric then the rest of your family? I think my family is plaid, and I'm an obnoxious flower print. I just don't feel like I'm supposed to do the same things that my family did. Go to college, get a typical degree and work some kind of same old same old job. I have some other things in mind for my future... and I just don't think teaching is it.

I've had this dream for a long time to open my own 24 hour coffee shop. Think live music, books, games and of course coffee! My sister wants to go to school for business....i can feel the ideas swirling around already....

I hope that I have the courage to make my dreams a reality...

1 comment:

Katie Aman said...

I would come hang out at your coffee shop! Will there be hot chocolate?? I'm there!!