Monday, March 01, 2010

Spring brings change

It's absolutely gorgeous out. I am so tired of the cold and the ice and the slush! I was so happy that I could wear a sweatshirt to school today :) As the season start their change I can feel my life moving forward. It's kind of scary in a way. You get into a grove of being a certain way and doing certain things that when the train takes off again you get the knee jerk reaction to jump off. But I'm staying aboard this one. I just love this feeling of independence. That I can do just about anything if I set my mind to it. I'm going to school, working, paying my own bills, not leaning on anyone but myself. I am encouraged that I have come this far in so little time. I scaled a wall last week. Something just hit me over the head and all of a sudden I found myself looking back and not caring anymore. It's not that the past doesn't effect me; because it does. I think a big misconception is that we are not shaped by the past. But who we are depends on it! And as far as the future I have no idea, but for right now, in this very moment I am content.

This week I'm looking forward to seeing Alice in Wonderland in 3D at the big theater in sufu with some friends. Let me tell you, I have been looking forward to this movie for aaaages! It's a collaboration of my favorite director and my favorite actor! How could I possibly pass this up! I have my ticket already and plans to eat me some cold stone right before! Stoked!

In all Spring brings with it a healing balm. I can feel myself putting back together the pieces of my heart, and starting to use my head first when it comes to relationships. I still love with all my being; I don't ever plan on changing that.

What's life without a little risk?

<3 Krisken

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